Murder Mystery Evening

48 friends and Society members attended the “Murder On The Oxenhope Express” held at the Maurice Jagger Centre, Winding Road, Halifax and thoroughly enjoyed a very professional production by Dial M for Murder.

The ghastly story was performed with great relish and skill and the audience had lots of fun identifying the culprit amongst the cast of colourful characters. Several people deduced the identity of the culprit but the overall winner of the main prize, a bottle of champagne, was Kath Gibson.

An excellent supper rounded off a memorable evening for all who attended.
Geoff Barnes, Publicity Officer

We wish to thank everybody who attended this event and in particular we would like to thank our Town Twinning Officer, Jo, and our friends from Todmorden for supporting our event which was organised as a social occasion rather than a fund-raiser. However, the event raised £203 for the Society funds.
Thank you all once again.

Tricia Atkinson, Secretary
