40th/70th Anniversary Celebrations in Aachen

At the invitation of the Lord Mayor of Aachen a group from the Society and Halifax Minster, led by the Mayor of Calderdale, Cllr Dot Foster, recently attended a celebration of 70 years of friendship and 40 years of Twinning between Halifax and Aachen, Germany.

Photo – Staedtpartnerschaft

There was the opportunity to meet old friends and see around the beautiful city centre before a commemorative celebration in the Town Hall attended by 200 people. Speakers commented on the importance of the links between ordinary people in two countries which had started in 1949, only a short time since they had recently been at war with each other. .

The friendship has been kept alive over the years through personal contacts, sports and leisure clubs, schools and churches. The lasting benefits of these contacts were emphasised.

Sowerby Bridge Rushbearers took the Rushcart to Aachen this year to add colour and spectacle to a local festival. The highlight of last weekend’s Celebrations was the signing of the Charter of Friendship by the two Mayors in the Golden Book of the City of Aachen. On the following day the Calderdale delegation also took part in Volkstrauertag, a day of remembrance for those who died due to war and tyranny. Wreaths were laid at the Waldfriedhof on the outskirts of Aachen

Geoff Barnes

Vice-Chair and Publicity Officer
