Ann Ogden and her colleague Simon gave an illustrated talk to the February meeting of the Halifax Aachen Society on the development and current work of the Calder Valley Search & Rescue Team. The Team started in 1966 with a small number of volunteer climbers and walkers and now has 50 people on call (20-25 at a time) of whom 2 are doctors, 3 paramedics and 37 trained in advanced first aid. They handle around 65 call outs each year and also respond to emergencies in other areas, most recently in Cumbria and York following the floods. All its members are still volunteers and the Team has to raise £35,000 each year for expenses on vehicles, equipment and dog training. The Team is therefore interested in hearing from other local organisations who would like to hear about its activities and may be able to support its work.
Geoff Barnes, Publicity Officer