Aachen Visit 2016

In July, twenty-five members of the Society took part in the biennial visit to Aachen in Germany.

They travelled by coach via Dover and ferry to Dunkirk and had a good journey despite worries beforehand about severe traffic congestion in Kent.
The group had a very enjoyable week staying with host families, renewing old friendships and making many new ones. A full programme of visits and social events included a cruise on the river Rhine near Bonn, a tour of Rolduc Abbey and a dinner with members of the Aachen partnerschaft at Dreilaenderpunkt, the hill overlooking Aachen where the borders of Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands meet.
The group also had a reception at Aachen Town Hall where they were greeted by Mrs Hilde Scheidt, Burgermeisterin of the city and were able to see around the building which dates from the 9th century when it was the main palace of the Emperor Charlemagne. Once again, the hospitality of our hosts was wonderful and everyone had a memorable time with their friends.

Geoff Barnes

Vice-chair and Publicity Officer
